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An unforgettable journey through the alpine world, enjoy the sweetness of Interlaken and make the leap with the paragliding experience!

Información Description
Intitulado Zurich: Interlaken Paraglide Experience
Código KTU369
Apertura Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Horarios 08:15 : Zurich Bus Station
Descripción An unforgettable journey through the Alps at the foot of the majestic Jungfrau -culminating at 3454 meters.
You will be drop off at our partner office in Interlaken, from there, a driver takes you & the pilot up the mountain with our Paragliding-Interlaken van. During the 20 minute drive you will receive the "safetytalk" and a briefing on the take-off and landing process. After being dropped off, walk 3 minutes to the take-off site while enjoying the majestic view over the Interlaken region and Jungfrau mountain.
Capture the memory!
Back on earth and after this unforgettable experience, enjoy a free time in Interlaken and take advantage of this charming little city, built between two lakes.
Duración del circuito 11h
Punto de regreso 07:30 pm Bus Terminal, Place Dorcière
Informaciones niños Adult: 13 +
Child: 4-12 years
Infant: 0-3 years
Incluso Bus transport
Paragliding flight
Excluido Cable car
